
The PG-13 rating was introduced in 1984 to accommodate movies that straddled the line between PG and R.

While in the era of 1970's men and women wore tight on the top and loose on the bottom, in the 1980's this style basically turned around. Shirts were loose and tight or tight-fitted pants. many men wore suits to show their wealth. Many brands of clothing became well known and worn a lot. from shoes, purses, clothes, fashion was important. Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Reboks, and many other well known brands. Some were influenced by new romantic movement, which inspired heavy metal styles.
"When Stash had recieved the telephoned news of Francesca's death from Matty Firestone, he had started to consider his options even as he booked the flight to Los Angeles. Almost immediately he realized that somone had to be told the story which had been, until now, kept absolutely secret from all the world. He needed help in managing the future and Anabel was the only person he trusted. During the few days that Stash was away in California, Anabel managed to find Queen Anne's School, the best home for retarded children in England, and make arrangements for Danielle to live there."
Born: August 14th 1947
Birthplace: New York, New York
Danielle Steel was the only child of John and Norma Shuelein-Steel. During her childhood her parents got divorced when she was around seven or eight years old. Apparently her parents didn't want to take care of her and she was raised by many of her relatives and servants in Paris and New York. She graduated from school a little before she was fifteen years old, and in 1963 ahe was enrolled in New York's Parsons School of Design. Her dream was to become the "new chanel", but had to basically give up on it due to an illness of ulcers. She then enrolled at New York University, where she studied until 1967. After, when she was eighteen years old she married her first husband. After being married with her husband she became bored with her jet-setting lifestyle, and she was against her husband's wishes so she decided to find a job. Soon she was hired as a vice president of public relation and new business for Supergirls, which was a Manhattan public relations and advertising agency. Her job seem to look weak for the future so she decided to write stories. She wrote her first book (Going Home) and published it in 1973, when she was living in San Francisco. from there she started writing many more novels. Around 1977 she started also writing advertisemnts and poems about love and motherhood which appeared in Women's section of magazines. Soon after she married her second husband and this time they had alot more in common. Throughout the years up to the present she was successful in many of the novels she wrote, and although she as a lot of money, she lives a quiet life.
-Best Known As: Author of the romance novels Jewels and Crossings
- in th bestseller list since 1980's
-The Ring (1980)
-Changes (1983)
-Full Circle (1984)
-Secrets (1985)
-Family Album (1985)
-Wanderlust (1986)
-Fine Things (1987)
-Kaleidoscope (1987)
-Zoya (1988)
-Daddy (1989)
-Star (1989)
Martin Luther king was born the day of January 15 1929 he passed away the day of April 4 1968. Martin Luther king was the chief of spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil rights movement which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. The campaign for a federal holiday in King's honor began soon after his assassination. Ronald Regan signed the holiday into law in 1983, and it was first observed in 1986. . It was officially observed in all 50 states for the first time in 2000.The idea of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday was promoted by labor unions in contract negotiations. . The bill first came to a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in 1979. However, it fell five votes short of the number needed for passage.. The success of this strategy was cemented when musician stevie wonder released the single "happy birthday " to popularize the campaign in 1980 and hosted the Rally for Peace Press Conference in 1981. Six million signatures were collected for a petition to Congress to pass the law, termed by a 2006 article in the nation as the largest petition in favor of an issue in U.S. history. The federal legislation challenges Americans to transform the King Holiday into a day of citizen action volunteer service in honor of Dr. King. other places outside the United States where Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed with equal importance is in the Japanese city of Hiroshima under mayor tadatoshi akiba , who holds a special banquet at the mayor's office as an act of unifying his city's call for peace with King's message of human rights. Martin luther king fought for the rights of people he had a dream that everyone in the united states would be traeted equal and he achieved that dream he changed the lives of alot of people he opened their eyes. I believe that when martin luther king got assasinated people finaly opened their eyes and came to a conclusion that we should treat people all with same respect and equal rights.One of the quotes that he said was the time is 'always right to do what is right' he presented a speech to america and it was called i have a dream and it touched alot of peoples hearts. |
One importabt work that Judith Krantz did was her ever popular book "Princess Daisy". Princess Daisy is abpout a rich spoiled girl who has parents who her dad is a prince and her mom a american loved actress. She lives day by day attending parties and balls. She later on realizes what work really is by moving to New York and working to pay her sister's medical bills. Thos book also turned into a mini series on NBC. It also was published in 50 different languages.
Jusith Krantz is significant because she was one of the first to began romantism novels. She wasnt afraid to write about what she wanted and thought. Judith was one of the world's best-selling novelists.
Madonna's accomplishment was being a pop icon. She wore many different outfits and hairstyles. Madonna was every girls role model. She started many different sexy looks. Fire example with the dirty blond messy hair look with the bow, layers of clothes on, tights and many accessories.
Madonnas significance is she created her own style and music. She accomplished her dreams to be famous and successful. She is sexy, brave, smart and strong and changed the pop culture and entertainment.
March 30th 1981
Three months after the president Ronald Reagan took office, on March 30th 1981, he went to Washington, D.C. to give a speech. While leaving the Hilton Hotel, where he'd given the speech at, he was going to the car he was going to be taken to when he heard what he thought were "fire-crackers". He felt as if he was being pushed inside the limousine, by a secret agent. He soon realized he was coughing up blood and that he had a really sharp pain on his back. He got taken to the Washington University Hospital, and when he was finally under doctor care, the Doctors diagnosed that he had been shot, and would need an emergency surgery. The bullet, had struck one of his ribs, and then punctured his lung and lodged near his heart. During the time he was at the hospital he still mantained his humor, although he had been in critical conditions. A Couple of days after the incident, he was released and he immediately returned to office.
Turns out that the one that had shot, or tried to kill the president, was a young man of mid-twenties and was obssesed in killing the president, just to impress an actress, who's name was John Hinckley Jr. While in his attempt to aim at the President, Ronald Reagan, Hinckley was ten feet away, and fired six shots which shot James Brady, the White House press secretary, a Washington policeman, and a secret service agent, and as well the president. This guy had something wrong going in his mind. Luckily, he was captured short after the shooting. Which was as if he didn't think of what'd happen after he done the deed he was going to do.
After this incident, the security for the president increased, and the president was watched more carefully. This was good because then people like John Hinckley could not try an attempt like this again.