On December 8,1980 it was one of the most tradgic days in the music world. John Lennon was assiassinated in front of his apartment buliding "The Dakota"n in New York City. John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono were on their way home after they were done recording at the studio. As normal, there was always fans outside Lennon's home waiting to get an autograph because he would give autographs outside his home. But among them was Mark David Chapman.
Chapman had ideas of killing Lennon 2 months eariler in October but quickly changed his mind. then on December 8,1980 Chapman waited at the Dakota for lennon and handed him a copy of "Double Fantasy" (album of Lennon's) for an autograph. Then Lennon asked in a politely manner "Is this all you want?" Then later on when Yoko walked into the recepection area and Lennon right behind her, Chapman fired five-hollow point directly at Lennon. Lennon collasped inside the recepection room and he was shot on his left side of his back and his left shoulder. John Lennon wass then rused in a squad car to the Roosevelt Hospital.
When Lennon Arrived to the hospital he was pronnouced dead in the emergency room. The damage in his blood vessels around his heart were highly severe and also one of the bullets had strucked his aorta. Lennon died because he had loss 80% of his blood and because of hypovolemic shock. This news shocked the nation and the music world, one of the most important figures of music was dead. The day after Lennon's Death, Yoko Ono announeced that there was not going to be a funneral for John, and she had also had his body cremated.
Then days after the death of Lennon, Yoko asked his fans to have a silent prayer for ten minutes in central park. Over 225,000 people showed up at central park in New York City. Millions of people were devestated of this huge tradgy that had occur to the musican but they would never forget his unique music and determination for world peace. As for Chapman he is still in Attica State Prison to this present day.