In 1987, the antidepressant Prozac was discovered and introduced in United States. It had been tested by the FDA and apparently they found the effects to be effective. This antidepressant had been succesful at the start by many doctors and psychitrists because in the previous year another form of drug was being prescribed (Thorazine) to supposedly help menta
l illness and depression. This drug was not succesful because many reports had found this drug to have many side effects, and the effects on the people were very different each time.
When this antidepressant, Prozac was introduced to the public, more like doctors and psychiatrists began to prescribe this medicine to patients whisc were depressed. As this drug was prescribed, it was very successful at first. Many patients claimed to be feeling"better than well" and they would become more socially active, and more outgoing. After two years of this medicine being out and discovered, pharmacies were filling about 65,000 prescriptions each month in the United States. Many people thought it was a very successful thing that had been discovered and introduced.
Couple of years after Prozac had been introduced, reports that many patients instead of feeling better and not depressed, emerged. Patients started feeling more suicidal while on Prozac. In the following years Prozac became a drug that was not really successful, and that many people saw as linked wit suicide.