Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947 in Portland, Maine. He lived in Wisconsin, Indiana and Connecticut, then he came back to Maine and stayed there. King lived with his older brother David brother and his mother Nelli Ruth and as for his father he had left them when King was two years old.Then While living in Maine, King experienced a tramatic event in his life, he witness the death of his friend when he was very young. It has been said that this is where King got his inspirations for his darker novels. Later on in life King went to Durham Elementary school, then graduated from Lisbon Falls Higd graduated inh School and went on to the University of Maine an 1970. 

At first King had a certificate that allowed him to teach high schools, but could not find a job and decided to write short stories for magazines to make a bit of money. Around the same time King got married with Tabitha Spruce a fellow student from the University of Maine. King was still writing short stories for magazines but was now coming up with his new ideas for novels. Then King worked on his first draft for his first novel "Dream Catcher". Kings books were mostly all of horror and terrifying stories and when asked why he choosed to write these kind of stories his response was that he has no choice, that these ideas just come to mind and he writes.
In King's early novels were mostly about the pains and agonies of childhood, parental neglect and abuse like his stories "Carrie" and "Firestarter". Then later on, King's novels were mostly about the many different pains of adulthood and loneliness of older people. Like in his stories "The Shining", "IT", "Talisman","Danse Macabre", and the "Dark Tower" series. Also some of these were made in the 80's, like the classic horror movie "The Shining"and "IT"which were big horror flicks in the 1980's. Stephen King had also won numerous award for many of his books. He has won te Alex award, Balary award, Black Quill Award, 9 Bram Stokes awards, 5 British Fansty awards, The Hugo Award, The International Horror Guild Award, 5 Locus awards, 4 World Fantasy award, and the Golden Pen award.