Fashion, what can we say about the fashion during the 1980's? You could see a group of teenagers with tight fitted jeans and loose shirts that draped one shoulder, or you could see another group of friends with leather jackets, fingerless gloves heavy makeup, and had the heavy metal style. or on a street, you'd se street dancers (hip-hop) with neon colors or clocks hanging of their necks, different styles, everyone had. Fashion was an important thing to many people during this time. Whether it was punk-rock, gothic-rock, vintage, hip-hop, etc. Everyone during the 1980's whether teenager, older, or kids had a certain style. Every year the fads would change but throughout the 80's era the style was impacting.
While in the era of 1970's men and women wore tight on the top and loose on the bottom, in the 1980's this style basically turned around. Shirts were loose and tight or tight-fitted pants. many men wore suits to show their wealth. Many brands of clothing became well known and worn a lot. from shoes, purses, clothes, fashion was important. Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Reboks, and many other well known brands. Some were influenced by new romantic movement, which inspired heavy metal styles.

So you may ask what was the clothing style? many significant fashion trends in the eighties included jean jackets, leg warmers, leggings, shoulder pads, headbands, pastel colors, alot of "ray-ban" sunglasses, ripped jeans, loose-fitted shirts, and neon colors,

big earrings, fingerless gloves, high waisted mini skirts, parachute pants, Stretch-Stirrup Pants, leather jackets (especially "Members only" jackets), Add-a-Bead Necklaces, The Madonna Look, Acid Washed Jeans, The Preppie Look, Guess Jeans,Layered Socks, Wayfarer Sunglasses, Swatch Watches, Jelly Shoes (Jellies), Knit Square End Ties, Reebok Hightops, Princess Di Fashions - Chuck Taylors by Converse, Rolling: Sleeves and Jeans, Paint Splatter, Jumpsuits, and Baja Hoodies. Hairstyles was also a major part of the fashion. the main trend was-volume. Many people worried about the volume of their hair, and "teased" their hair to add volume, others just did spikes in their hair, depending on their style of clothing. Many people as well chose funky styles and dyed their hair to match their style. Others just had short hair or long, classy, vintage, punk etc. The 80's was a period of time were hairstyles as well as clothing style would be called strange. Surely the fashion during the 1980's was very important to alot of people. Even though the fashion was during the 80's today one can see that the 80's fashion has an influence on today's fashion.