For about 28 years the Berlin Wall stood, dividing up Berlin into two seprete ares which were East and West Berlin. The wall wasbulit in 1961, constructed by the German Democractic Republic. The wall was made to contain communisum from west Germany and to keep East Germans from escaping to west Germany, This wall stood for almost 30 years. Then on June 12, 1987 while giving a speech at the Brandenburg Gate, Ronald Regan challenged General secretary of communist party, Mikhail Gorbachev and said to him "Mr. Gorbachev open this gate, Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall!" It was two years after this speech that the wall was torned down. 

Then in August 23,1989 Hungary ha dtaken it's border defences with Austria and also 13,000 East Germens escaped to Austria from Hungary.Then a similar event happened in Czechoslovkia as well. These events were all setting up the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Then in September was when all the protest rallies began, protesters leaving the west chanted "We want out!" This started the peaceful revolution and had half a million of protesters had gather at Alexanderplatz in East Berlin to speak out, and these rallies began in September and ended in November of 1989.
Then during that time the New Krenz government was preparing the new law for travel restrictions for East German citizens. Then it was decided on November 9th that refugees could existthrough the crossing points of East and West Berlin. Then at a press conference Gunter Schabowski was going to give the news, but he was not fully aware of the updates of the disscussion so when asked about when the law went into force he said straight away, immediately without delay". This news spead all over and with no time thosands of East Berlins went to the border crossing and demanding the guards to open the gate. Since the guards couldn't take on the overwelming crowds they basically had no chocie and opened the gate and then the East Berlins finally greeted the West Berlins, which meant it was the end of the Berlin Wall completely. Then all was left was the demolition of the wall, which ended in November of 199, but only some sections and watchtowers remained as memorials and piceces of the wall were sold all over the world and this wall will never be forgotten.