The Terrifying Parade in June 12,1980 a so called Parade is marching aginst Nuclear weaponds, police have tried to stop this madness but they just cant seem to make it happen .More then 550,00 protesters from as far as Hiroshima rallied in central Park in New York city on to demang a nuclear weapons freeze in the biggest political demonstrarion in U.S history. But secretury of defense caspers Weinberg,indicated that large turout was likely to have direct impact on administratin policy
Murder over a pair of Tennis Shoes-In January 1988, In a shoe store a kid nemed Erick went to buy some tennis shose but eventually they were the las pair in the store so Allen wanted them to because they have been commercial with a famous athlete. the kids argued over who was going to have the last pair. and the 14 year old boy took out a knife n killed Eric just for a pair of shoes .