In the 198o's there was a lot of things going on in the music world, new materials and new artists as well. There was a bunch of new artists as well. There was a bunch of music styles as well, like New Wave, Glam rock, Indie Rock, and Thrash Metal. Along with the new music there was new musical artists like Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Madonna, Cher, Van Halen, Poison, Guns and Roses, The Smiths, Sonic Youth, and Grandmaster Flash. They all had a different style, it was etheir rebillous, or peaceful or just something you can dance to . Also music was very big in the 1980's because there was a lot of charity concerts during this decade. For example the most memorable ccharity concert USA for Africa that had the famous song "We are the World", which made millions to help hunger in Ethopia.
But along with music, there wouldn't be any if there was no dancing, which was a major part in the 1980's. One of the biggest dance craves was the "moonwalk"by Michael Jackson. Some other popular dances were the Hammer dance, Lambada, Michael Jackson circles, the Roger Rabbit, The running man, the worm, the toe stand, and many more. all these dances were very popular in the 80's. They were being dance everywhere through out the nation. Some of these dances were made by famous musicans and their dance moves inspired fans to do them as well.
The most popular dances of the 80's was the "moonwalk" because of Michael Jackson. Then there was the hammer dance inspired by the artist M.C Hammer.Some other popular dances were the cabbage patch, slam dancing and break dancing as well. Another popular dance was "Lambada", which was inspired by the hit movie "dirty Dancing"(1987 ). As for music the top ten songs were "Billie Jean", "Every breath you take", "like a prayer","Sweet child of mine", "Like a Virgen", "We are the World", "Beat it", "Call me" and "With or without you".