Martina Navratilova was Born in Pargue, Czechoslovakia in 1956, Navratilova first visited the United States in 1973. Two years later, she defected the U.S., requesting political asylum . She became an American citizen in 1981.
She was also a determined Tennis player sure rocked the wrold with her brilliant preformances. With many trophies to her credit, Martina was almost like the perfect Tennis icon for many in the 80s. She won her French Open in 1948 and this left-handed tennis star won four Grand Slam Women's Doubles title the same year. The 1980s also witnessed Martina being ranked as the world no. 1 doubles player. Despite the appearance of Steffi Grag on the tennis scenario, Martina may have suffered a little setback, but she bounced back in the 1987 by beating Steffi in the Wimbledon and U.S. Open finals.
As a plyer, Navratilova was bold and smart, and she dared to do things those others befor and since only imagine. She single-handedly reinvented women's tennis, taking the boundaries and limitations of women's tennis shoving them higher and wider. Martina ended her singles career in 1994. As she entered New York's Madison Square Garden for the last match, more than 17,000 fans gave her a two-minute standing ovation while nearly 100 photograph spotrs history. Navratilova continues to play doubles. A red and gold banner bearing her name was raised in her honer,the first woman ever to be so honored in Madison Suare Garden. Women still have a lond way to go in achieving athletic equaliyy as evidenced by the fact that Navratilova's banner hung in the Garden only a week,and only to be raised again for tennis matches.
In 1978, she began a relationship with Rita Mae Brown,an American activist and writer,but the publicity made her resign as head of the Women's Tennis Association.She later had an affair with Judy Nelson and gained admiration by routinely climbing into the crowed at tennis matches to snog her love after winninig so many games. Martina Navratilova was successfulin her life time as a tennis player.