Carl Sagan was born in Brooklyn New York .His Father Sam Sargan was a Russian immigrant garment worker his mother Rachel Molly Grubler a house wife. Carl was named in honor of Rachels biological mother .Chaiya. Clara in Saguas word The mother she never knew. Sagab graduated from High school in Rahway in New Jersey in 1957. He attended the university of chicago where he participated in Ryerson Astronomical society recived a bachelor of arts with general and special honors in 1954 he also recived a bachelor of science in 1955 and a masters in Astronomy.
Carl did much to populanze science,especially the wonders of space science, and helped develop critical thinking on the other hand during his early part of his career he made discoveries concerning the planets Mars and Venus. Sagan was one of the first to think that Titan,a moon of Saturn might have lakes and oceans and therefore it could support life. Sagn was a out of the box thinker. During his life time carl made big diffrences in the lifes of others he was the one who had great ideas of space.
In 1994, Carl was the first winner of the Isaac Asimov. Award, awarded for general contibutions to science and humanity.He also helped the committe for the scientific Investigation of claims of the Paranovimal with in other terms its the (CSISOP). It was a way for him to help other scientis he also by numerous TV appearances and writting books , Carl was able to explain this to general public science and space explorations were all about.
Carl was a great scientist in the 1980s he became known as the space wonderer he was all into science and he had awsome expectaions . he was happy with his career and with his knowledge . Carl was a diffrences and n insperation to other great scientists.