In the 80's there was a new technology in the making, which was stealth technology. Stealth technology is a miltary tactic, that can cover a range of techniques with aircrafts, ships, submarines, missiles. Basically they are invisible to radars, infrared, sonar and other detection devices. Also the stealth bombers are designed not to be seen and are usually painted light gray for daytime and black for night time. Another thing is that these aircrafts are designed to be very quiet.
At first this technology was made because of the cold war and for espionage. Also all stealth technology was kept completey classifed. Till August 22,1980 the Carter Administration talked about the expansion of the Stealth program had given rise to numerous rumors and leaks. Then the U.S government officially admitted the existence of steath aircraft. Then the production started.
One of the stealth bombers built was the F-117A Nighthawk in 1981, but wasn't acknowledged till 1988. Then afterwards the B-2 spirit was made during the 80's. The B-2 was made in the Northrop Corporation and the Northrop Grumman in the United States. The Congress has ordered that 75 aircrafts to be made but went down to 21 in because the end of the cold war. As for the B-2 it had it's first public fight on July 17,1989 in Palmdale, California. This technology was a huge breakthough because it was a new way of espionage and was a remarable discovery for the uses of the United States Air Force.