James Clavell is the author of the "Noble House" a popular book in the early 80's. This book is also part of Clavell's Asian Saga. The book was published in 1981 by the Delacorted Press and has over 1,000 pages long. There are also many characters, about a dozen in the story. Another thing about this book is that it has numerous plot lines. One more intersting fact is since the book was such a great hit it was made into a mini series in the late 80's.
In the story there are a lot of characters. The main characters are Ian Dunross, Quillan Gornt, Lincoln Barrlett, Casey Tcholok, Robert Armstrong, Phillip Chen, Roger Crosse, Brain Kuok, Four finger Wu, Paul "Proftiable" Choy and Orlanda Ramos. The setting of the story takes place in Hong Kong in 1963. The plot is about Ian Dunross who is trying to help trading company, Struan from financial trouble and trying to get help by having a partnership with an american investor. Also at the same time he is trying to deal with his arch-ememy Quillan Gornt, who has his own trading company as well and he is trying to ruin and put Dunross's company out of business. Also Dunross has to deal with Communists, Nationalsits, Soviet Spies in Hong Kong.
Along with that he has to face water shortages landslides, bank runs, and stock market crashes. If that wasn't enough Dunross also had KGB and MI6 on him because he had important documents that they wanted. But even with all that Dunross had to go through he still focused on his main goal to save the Noble House (The Strun).This book was the number one top selling book of 1981. The reason why was because this book had everything. For example in the story there was adventure, kidnapping, murder, finanical doublle dealing, natural catastrophes, mystery, and romance, it had it all which made the novel a huge hit in the 80's.